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AI & Data

Heard the one about the one-dollar Chevrolet?

Profile picture for Reuben Boughton

Reuben Boughton, Marketing Director

18 March 20243 minute read


Why are IT leaders reluctant to let AI off the leash to interact with customers?

The rapidly evolving landscape of technology is real, IT directors and CEOs are on a constant quest to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to elevate customer experiences and quicken the product development cycle.

The allure of AI-driven solutions is undeniable, promising unprecedented efficiency and innovation. However, the road to successful implementation is fraught with challenges, as exemplified by high-profile mistakes that have left industry giants red-faced.

Take, for instance, the unfortunate experiences of Air Canada and Chevrolet, whose forays into AI-driven customer service encountered unexpected pitfalls. Air Canada's chatbot, designed to assist travellers, became a source of misinformation, leaving passengers frustrated and confused. Similarly, Chevrolet's dealership chatbot, powered by ChatGPT, stumbled in customer interactions, highlighting the need for a careful and considered approach to AI integration.

But what does this mean for the actual developers and product leads?

How Google Gemini has changed the developers mindset?

Amidst the tumultuous terrain of AI, a recent development has sent shockwaves through the industry. Google Gemini, with its groundbreaking 1 million token limit, has ushered in a new era of AI capabilities. This technology is reshaping the possibilities of custom software development. The sheer magnitude of tokens opens avenues for more complex models, enabling developers to create AI solutions that were once deemed impractical.

One of our collaborators and CTO of Eject, Warren Bickley described it in laymen’s terms:

“If we had envisioned a 1 million token limit last year, we would have very different use cases in the market today. At the time, we were building products based on a 36,000 token limit, with this rapid growth, should we be working on the products and problems that require a 15 million token limit now?”

However, as we marvel at the advancements, it's crucial to pause and reflect on the lessons learned from the missteps of others. The Air Canada and Chevrolet incidents underscore the importance of a meticulous internal process. Beginning with a thorough understanding of real customer problems is paramount. Rushing into AI implementation without a solid foundation can lead to disastrous consequences.

So how should you start building the foundations for rapid innovation?

To navigate the AI frontier successfully, organisations must establish guardrails for AI use. Clearly defined guidelines and ethical considerations are essential to prevent unintended consequences. The focus should not solely be on the capabilities of AI but also on its responsible deployment, ensuring that it aligns with the values and expectations of both the company and its customers.

A data and business-first approach becomes the cornerstone of a sustainable AI strategy. The integration of AI should be driven by genuine business needs, with a meticulous examination of how it aligns with the overall goals and objectives. It's not about deploying AI for the sake of technology; it's about using AI as a strategic tool to create better customer experiences, streamline business processes, and gain a genuine competitive advantage.

In conclusion, the allure of AI and innovation is undeniable, the cautionary tales of industry giants remind us of the importance of a measured and thoughtful approach. Google Gemini's groundbreaking capabilities offer exciting possibilities, but they must be harnessed responsibly.

By starting with real customer problems, establishing guardrails for AI use, and adopting a data and business-first approach, organisations can navigate the AI landscape successfully, ensuring that AI and automation become powerful tools for creating value, efficiency, and true competitive advantage.

For now, let’s define the solutions, iterate, iterate again and keep our hands busy in the sandpit.


Gizmodo, BBC, PYImageSearch

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About the Author

Profile picture for Reuben Boughton
Reuben Boughton

Driving content creation, events and partnerships. Movie fiend and avid reader.

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